The Lowry Christmas Appeal aims to help young parents in Salford get involved in arts.
The Lowry Theatre started the appeal eight years ago and have a different focus group they aim to help each year.

Each year a local project from across the city are funded through the appeal.
Nick Thompson, Senior Developer for The Lowry, has been a part of the project for many years.
He said: “The appeal started to advocate and bring to public attention what we do through our learning and engagement team.
“We have funded young careers, children with autism and young homeless people.”
This year, the appeal has chosen to help young parents and their children in Salford.
The workshops involve several creative activities, from artwork, drama and writing.
As well as developing their skills, they aim to encourage children to develop theirs also.
In Salford teenage pregnancy is higher than England with 123 girls becoming pregnant in 2017.
Why focus on helping teenage parents in Salford?
“Teenage parents have a real struggle with their own identity and isolate themselves.
“It will focus on working with their children developing parent’s skills confidence and develop aspirations for themselves and their children’s futures.
“There is a lot of young people in Salford living in areas of deprivation and poverty.”
With their funds, they plan to hold a year-long programme with teenage parents from the Salford area.
With The Lowry Theatre only receiving 5.5% of funding from Salford City Council, the rest is left for them to fundraise.
“With funding cuts there is less opportunities for young people on where to go.”

Young parents are referred by Salford Surestart and are then put forward to be part of the project.
Funds for the projects are raised soley by The Lowry Theatre through fundraising and collections after shows.
More information can be found here.
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