Research shows that mothers in Salford stop breastfeeding earlier than the national average.
Kimberly Bond CEO of ‘Be Open On Breastfeeding’, (BOOBs) said: “Manchester has funding from various sources for breastfeeding support whereas Salford statutory support has been cut unfortunately so it leaves us to fill that gap.
“It wasn’t necessarily the imitation rate of breastfeeding which was the issue,” Kimberly said.
“In 2014 we found mums across Greater Manchester, and particularly in Salford, were not breastfeeding past the 6-8 week mark after having their baby,” she added.
Results showed that the amount of women breastfeeding dropped from 45% at the start to 23% past the 6-8 week mark.
BOOBS is a community project which helps mums share their stories and discuss issues that they have experienced or overcome.

Kimberly explained how mums are not being given the right information at the right time.
“They don’t have that support or know where to reach out for that support,”
“We find out what information they want to know so we can help to provide that information on our website and digital platforms,” she added.
For many mums, confidence can be a big issue after giving birth, “new mums are really venerable people and breastfeeding is just one tiny part,” she said.
Kimberly highlighted how mothers who experience problems with breastfeeding are more likely to suffer from issues like post-natal depression, “that initial bonding with your baby is really important and if it doesn’t go well for any reason then that can lead onto problems and I don’t think a lot of mums really realise that.”
According to the NHS, post notal depression affects 1 in every 10 women within a year of giving birth.
BOOBS put on regular events around Salford to help mums who attend to make new friends and listen to each other’s experiences.
Currently, they are trying to get 100 independent venues ‘BOOBs Approved’.
“We’re looking for any venues in Salford who want to partner with us to become breastfeeding and family friendly,” she said.
So far, BOOBs have got 59 venues involved including Ziferblat and Penelope’s Deli in Media City.
“If you’re a venue in Salford and you’d like to sign up then let us know!”
BOOBS next event is the ‘Christmas Café’ at The Old Pint Pot on the 13th December where there will be free cake, play garden, and a lucky dip.
There will also be volunteers from BOOBs to talk about the BOOBs approved projects and a breastfeeding councillor.
#breastfeeding mamas in #salford, get your tickets now for our #Christmas #cafe at @theoldpintpot. Tickets are FREE! 13th December 10:30am ☕
— B.O.O.B.S Salford (@boobs_salford) November 7, 2018
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