A new scheme has been proposed to Salford University’s Students Union in order to help students who may be experiencing sexual harassment during a date on campus.

“Ask for Angela” is designed to help anyone on a date who may be feeling uncomfortable by simply allowing them to go to the bar and ask for Angela, which is a play on words on the phrase “guardian angel”.

This allows the bar staff to be alerted of the situation that is occurring, allowing them to offer assistance whilst also being discreet and not alerting anyone else to their situation.

The scheme has been successful in many universities in the UK who have this available, such as Sheffield Hallam University.

Hatty Ruddick, President of the Salford University Business Society, who proposed the scheme to the Union, said: “In an ideal world, it wouldn’t have to exist, but the fact that it’s there gives students a lot of reassurance.

“For a student that doesn’t know them [bar staff], we hope they’d feel comfortable enough to approach and ask for help,”

A 2010 study by the National Union of Students found that one in three female students feel unsafe in their own university at night, and 68% have experienced some form of harassment in their institution.

Business across the country, including many in Salford and Manchester such as 42nd Street Nightclub, are looking to roll out the scheme as quickly as possible.

The scheme has been strongly backed by the Metropolitan Police, as they look to tackle the rise of sexual assaults nationally.

Originally launched by Lincolnshire Council in 2016, the scheme will be debated by the Salford Union Council on 28th February, which require 75% of the vote to be put into place.

The full interview with Hatty Ruddick can be found below:


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