SALFORD City Council suggest people ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ in answer to Bromley Council’s suggestion of buying bins as presents this Christmas.
The London Borough Council’s ‘rubbish’ gift idea was suggested in their newsletter, where the council advertised buying the £60 bins for a loved one or friend.
#BromleyCouncil want us to give a #WheelieBin for #Christmas . Thats a #Rubbish #gift
— (@aldapiez) December 4, 2017
From Bromley Council
"Need an unusual gift idea? Treat that special someone to a year's worth of garden waste collections!
"Your loved one will receive a large wheelie bin to hold all types of garden waste including leaves, weeds, twigs, cut grass and even Christmas trees ?— Martin Collins (@MartinCollins_X) December 4, 2017
Waste during Christmas is a logistical obstacle to overcome, as well as an unnecessary use of resource for councils all over the UK.
Salford has, in the past, collected the highest amounts of waste per head of population in Greater Manchester.
Data suggests that things are now improving in the area as recycling has increased, thanks to community support along with fly tipping and general wastage lessening in recent years.
Salford City Counsellor David Lancaster, lead member for environment and community safety, said: “Like all local authorities in the UK, waste tonnages do in increase over the festive period, but the amount of recycled material increases significantly too.”
“Our message to the people of Salford is that recycling your waste saves vital public money and is better for the environment.
“It costs the council approximately £360 to dispose of a tonne of residual waste.”
–Cllr David Lancaster
“It costs the council approximately £360 to dispose of a tonne of residual waste; but for every tonne of waste that is recycled, the council avoids such costs, and the savings can then be spent on essential public services.”

Salford Council’s ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ initiative suggests people take any steps they can to help Salford’s environment, examples of which include: “Planning your Christmas meals carefully so you don’t over buy food, donating clothes to local charities and checking what can be recycled.”
For more information on recycling and how you can avoid waste, go to and your local recycling centre.
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